bala shark tank mates

The water temperature should be around 77°F. Bala Fish are highly active and peaceful at the same time. Bala Shark Water should hardness of 10 to 13 dGH with a pH of around 6.5 and 8. The best tank mates for a group of Bala Sharks are fish close in size and with a similar peaceful or semi-aggressive nature. Your Complete Bala Shark Feeding, Behaviour and Aquarium ... This fish is well known for its congenial manner, and they tend to do well living with many other different fish species. However, when choosing tank mates focus on your tank size since it has to stay spacious enough for all fishes and shouldn’t be overcrowded. A Hang-On Back (HOB) Filter is a popular choice for fish tanks as it is easy to use and does not take up a lot of space. Bala Shark - Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Breeding Bala Shark Tank Mates? | Tropical Fish Forums FishBase lists a minimum of 150 cm (5 ft). Bala Shark Tank Size. Rainbowfish or Gourami. Red-tailed Black Shark. Because of their territorial nature, it is known to drive away other fish by being aggressive, much like it’s larger, sea-roaming shark cousins. Can Angelfish Live With Bala Sharks? - Neeness The Bala shark tank environment needs to have good filtration, as the fish is an active swimmer that produces more waste than other species. Recommended tank: 55 gallon … The Bala shark tank environment needs to have good filtration, as the fish is an active swimmer that produces more waste than other species. This fish isn't a shark at all though. Can Bala Sharks be with other fish? Care Level: Easy. Here is my bala shark care guide. With those two factors in mind, here are some fish that eat snails for you to consider: 1. An aquarium of 125 gallons is needed to keep a school of adult bala sharks, and since they are active swimmers, a longer tank is recommended. Extremely large and carnivorous fish are also restricted as … 10 Best Bala Shark Tank Mates With Pictures Aquariumnexus. Unsuitable Tank Mates of Bala Shark. Compatible Bala Shark Tank Mates. Bala Shark, Silver Shark - Balantiocheilos melanopterus. While you might expect their name to take after a shark’s typical behavior, they don’t. It belongs in the Cyprinidae family. yes. The best tank mates for a group of Bala Sharks are fish close in size and with a similar peaceful or semi-aggressive nature. This beautiful looking fish would add up to lots of freshwater aquariums and its temperament is guaranteed to make it a great tank mate for your other fish. Also, these fish are Omnivores making them good mates of rainbow sharks. Replace 50% of the water at least once a month, and replace 25% at least every other week if … Bala Fish are highly active and peaceful at the same time. Some of the marine life that will make good tank mates with Balas are Barbs, including the Tinfoil Barb, Gouramis, Danios, Rainbow Fish and a few Spiny Eels. Carnivorous. (Some say 30, but it’s best to err on the side of caution.) Rainbow Shark | Source: Deposit Photos Although they may gobble up tiny fishes (those they can easily swallow) in the tank. Although they may gobble up tiny fishes (those they can easily swallow) in the tank. The best Bala shark tank mates are other Bala sharks. They must be compatible with other tank mates and flourish with existing water conditions in the aquarium. Bala Sharks in Communities. These are beautiful fishes and are the most common among fish lovers. a mostly silver coloration with areas of black on their pelvic, anal, caudal, and dorsal fins. Bala Shark Tank Mates. They are active swimmers and having all of … Bala shark: Care, lifespan, food and tank mates Taxonomy. How big should your aquarium be to keep a Bala Shark? Scientific Name: Balantiocheilos melanopterus Care Level: Intermediate Temperament: Peaceful Color Form: Gray, Black, and Yellow Lifespan: Up to 10 years Size: Up to 12 inches (25-30 cm) Diet: Omnivore Family: Cyprinidae Minimum Tank Size: Appearance of Bala shark. Juvenile bala sharks can be kept with a wide variety of fish due to their generally peaceful nature. They are a placid and peaceful fish and can live with other similar sized species such as Gourami, Rasboras and Corys. The best tank for adult fish is at least 150 gallons and 5 feet long. If attainable, it is best to begin by housing solely Bala Sharks collectively. On that note, some of their best tank mates include the following: Gourami; Rasbora; Rainbowfish; Fellow Bala Sharks To keep your bala sharks in good health, they’ll need regular water changes. To keep an eye on the tank temperature, you should install a thermometer in your tank, on the opposite side to the heater. Bala Sharks are also known as Tricolor Shark, Tricolor Sharkminnow, Silver Bala, Silver Shark, and Shark Minnow. … There are some species of smaller fish that should be avoided as tank mates as well. Suitable tank-mates include red-finned cigar shark, red-tailed sharks, black sharks, rainbow sharks, gouramis, barbs, danios, rainbows, most eels and most loaches. Yoyo Loaches are beautiful bottom-dwelling fish that enjoy digging in the sand. The water temperature should be around 77°F. After the eggs are produced, the females will scatter them over the tank, so that the males can come and fertilize externally. ... Bala Shark. These are active fish that startle easily. Angelfish are one of the … You can keep them with a wide variety of fish, due to their generally peaceful nature. 5 to 8 inches. Bala sharks (Balantiocheilos melanopterus) enchant aquarists with their appearance. This is why we will give you a heads up on which fishes make the best tank mates for your Bala sharks. Bichirs. Start with a minimum of 45 gallons and increase as they grow larger. The Bala Shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) is a member of the Cyprinidae family and is found in fast flowing rivers across Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. The tank mates should not be too small as they may become a snack for the blood parrot cichlid. ... Bala Shark. Bichirs can also be compatible with rainbow sharks but only in a large tank, more than 80 Gallon tank. Bala Shark Care Really Think About It Before You Buy One Youtube. Bala Shark Habitat and Care As previously mentioned, the key factor in the bala's environment is tank size. They are semi-aggressive, though, and like the bottom of the tank to themselves. Bala Sharks are … Bala sharks are quite big species for home aquariums. This is why we will give you a heads up on which fishes make the best tank mates for your Bala sharks. Other Bala Sharks, Corydoras, Rainbowfish, Gourami, Rasbora, Char (Salvelinus), Tetra, Minor Tetra would make good tank mates. Bala Sharks are commonly known by a number of names such as Silver Bala, tricolor shark, silver shark, and tricolor minnows. What is the average life span of a Bala Shark? Under favorable conditions, the average life span of a healthy Bala Shark is about 8-10 years. You possibly can then add different species solely after the Bala Sharks have settled in. Quick Stats. They feed on crustaceans, worms, insects, aquarium vegetation, and algae. Bala Shark Tank Mates. As a result of Bala Sharks are so peaceable, you’ll be able to preserve them with nearly another sort of fish. Middle and large-sized fish will be good tank mates for bala sharks. Bala Shark Care - Tank Mates, Feeding, Full Grown? Bala sharks tend to get along with various species of freshwater fishes. Size: 2-3.5 inches. … First of all, avoid keeping small fishes like guppies, neon tetras, harlequin rasbora, etc with your school of … Bala Shark Water should hardness of 10 to 13 dGH with a pH of around 6.5 and 8. However, that’s where the similarities end. Consider species that use other areas of your tank, such as bottom dwellers and surface … Rasbora. For example, rainbow shark , red tail shark , African cichlids, arowana (it shouldn’t treat bala shark as food), angelfish . How to Take Care of Bala SharkHabitat, Tank Conditions & SetupTank/aquarium size. The juvenile pet store size of 3-6-inch adults do well in a tank of 20 gallons per one Bala shark. ...Water temperature and pH. Bala sharks require a pH of 6.0 to 7.8, but they are not fussy when it comes to the acidity or alkalinity of the water.Substrate. ...Plants. ...Lighting. ...Filtration. ... It’s a good idea to add all of your fish together while … Typical Behaviour. Angelfish. T… Some great tank mates for Bala Sharks are: 1. Minimum tank size: 15 gallons. So, you will have to avoid smaller fish like neon tetras, zebra danios, and guppies. Bala shark is a peaceful daytime fish. Join Date: May 2011. Bala Sharks are bigger in size, compared to Rainbow Sharks. I cannot get a larger tank as my house isn’t big enough for one over 4+ feet I currently have 2 angels (probably a pair not too sure) a bristlenose plec 2 hoplo catfish And an electric blue acara and some kribs. Bala Shark Tank Mates. As they start growing, some smaller tank mates can turn into snacks. So, you will have to avoid smaller fish like neon tetras, zebra danios, and guppies. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Bala Shark is also known as the Silver Shark and is a growing favorite among tropical fish hobbyists. While still young and small, bala sharks get along well with almost any colorful freshwater fish with a peaceful nature. The bala shark is actually not a shark, but rather a member of the same family of fish that includes carp and minnows. Bala sharks are naturally found in rivers and lakes throughout Sumatra, Thailand, Borneo and Malaysia. Can you have a bala shark in a 55/75/100g tank? For a Bala Shark, any sudden movement may trigger the fish to dart about anxiously, even jumping out of the tank if there is no lid on the tank. This fish isn't a shark … Location: Waterbury CT. Posts: 195. 1. Tank Mates. They’re also commonly known as Silver Bala, Silver Shark, Tricolor Shark, and Tri-Color Minnows. Very young Bala sharks are sometimes kept in small aquaria. For a large tank you will need a heater of 375 watts as a minimum. Red Tail Shark Tank Mates. If you’re keeping a Red Tail Shark in your aquarium, you’ll need to be conscious of what tank mates you choose to share the space with them. However, given their adult size, schooling behaviour, and swimming speed, the fish quickly grow to need much more room. The tank mates should not be too small as they may become a snack for the blood parrot cichlid. Size: 6 inches at maturity. Any fish that fits in their mouth will become prey for blood parrots. A 12" bala shark startled would cover six feet in a blink of an eye, without the room to do so you could loose them when they hit the glass hard. Some great tank mates for Bala Sharks are: Rainbowfish; Tetra; Rasbora; Gourami; Other Bala Sharks; However, there is the chance that the Bala Shark will eat smaller fish when they become larger, so the tank should always be roomy enough for all. So unless you’re planning to move your balas from tank to tank, plan your community carefully. However, given their adult size, schooling behaviour, and swimming speed, the fish quickly grow to need much more room. Aquarium Advice Activist. The Iridescent Shark is a sleek, purple and cream colored catfish that’s a very popular fish due to it’s shark-like appearance. It is rather tolerant to its tank mates. If you’re going to keep a large, fast moving fish like a Bala Shark then it’s a good idea to choose tank mates with similar characteristics. The long, torpedo-shaped silver bodies end in forked yellow tails, while black picks out the fin edges. This makes choosing tank mates difficult. I have a 65g planted tank with natural rock and driftwood decorations and PFS as a substrate. Ideal tank mates for this species should be large enough that they can’t be considered food, but are peaceful enough that they won’t beat up or intimidate the Bala sharks. Bala Shark Tank Mates. Bala Sharks are also known as Tricolor Shark, Tricolor Sharkminnow, Silver Bala, Silver Shark, and Shark Minnow. Large plecos also make good tank mate of bala shark. Always keep in mind adult fish size: though the fish isn’t a predator itself, it may eat its small tank mates. Yoyo Loach. Diet: Omnivore. The Bala Shark is a relatively large Southeast Asian native freshwater fishery. • Typical behavior of Bala Shark while mating: You will see that the Bala Sharks exhibit a type of dance inside the fish tank which experts have directly linked to the process of mating and imminent production of eggs. If you are looking for some calming tank mates for your fish, this peaceful species can be the perfect match. Iridescent Shark. Due to a recent bacterial infection, I've lost most of my fish, leaving one swordtail (female), 4 giant danios and a bamboo shrimp. Tank mates. Hobbyists continue to debate over acceptable minimum tank sizes, but generally recommend at least a 6 feet tank. Hi, Was wondering what would be good tankmates for a rainbow shark my tank is 40G and I’ve had the shark for almost 2 1/2 years. Bala Shark may be kept in the same tank if there is adequate swimming space for them to move about. In case you want to raise this fish in a community tank, beware of keeping them with small fish, which is generally a part of their diet in the natural habitat. Tankmates. Consider species that use other areas of your tank, such as bottom dwellers and surface swimmers, and large groups of schooling fish, such as: Corydoras species. While goldfish shouldn’t be kept in one tank with bala shark, since it is too slow, likes colder water, and they have poor compatibility. Hobbyists continue to debate over acceptable minimum tank sizes, but generally recommend at least a 6 feet tank. A bala shark is a big skittish schooling fish. Rainbow sharks are fascinating creatures, and make great additions to aquariums over 55 gallons. They work by drawing water into the filter and processing it before releasing it … For a Bala Shark, any sudden movement may trigger the fish to dart about anxiously, even jumping out of the tank if there is no lid on the tank. Bala Shark Tank Mates. Very young Bala sharks are sometimes kept in small aquaria. The only thing it has in common with a shark is its name which it gets because of the high dorsal fin and body type which looks like the dorsal fin of a shark. The tropical biome of Southeast Asia means your Bala Shark tank should be kept around 77°F (25°C) but 1 or 2 degrees either way fine. If you are wanting to set up a community tank, you should start just with Bala Sharks and slowly introduce other fish species over time. However, when choosing the tank mates, you will have to think about the size of the tank because the tank has to remain spacious enough for … On that note, some of their best tank mates include the following: Gourami; Rasbora; Rainbowfish; Fellow Bala Sharks Bala Shark is a beautiful fish that can make a colorful addition to your freshwater aquarium. Young Bala sharks can be kept with pretty much any other fish, but of course, they do not stay young, and when they grow, they will start to eat smaller fish, snails, and more or less anything they can fit in their mouths. Keeping 4 Bala Fish together is the recommended number, as this will help to decrease aggressive behavior. That scheme grants them the additional names of tri-colored shark, silver shark, and silver bala. They cohabitate peacefully with the less aggressive fish of different species. The Bala Shark has a unique, large standing dorsal fin – that’s what it earned the name. Learn more about habitat, care, food, and perfect tank mates for Bala shark Giant Danio Tankmates? FishBase lists a minimum of 150 cm (5 ft). Bala Shark, Silver Shark - Balantiocheilos melanopterus. Most fish breeders recommend that at least 5 Bala Sharks be kept together during the breeding process to ensure that there is both male and female fish in the holding tank. It is crucial to give the fish enough space and room to swim during this process. Bala Sharks are schooling fish and will fare best in groups of at least four to six other Balas. Bala sharks can get up to 10 inches in size and are more than fast enough to escape a few african … Easy. Any fish that fits in their mouth will become prey for blood parrots. They cohabitate peacefully with the less aggressive fish of different species. Silver shark is a great community fish. In addition, this type of aquarium filter works extremely well as oxygenators. Pterophyllum scalare. Bala sharks are peaceful daytime fish and are therefore tolerant to the tank mates. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Bala Shark is also known as the Silver Shark and is a growing favorite among tropical fish hobbyists.

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bala shark tank mates