facet example sentence

Manuscript language: sentences To write a successful manuscript, first be aware of the sentence structure you use. Shorter sentences and paragraphs, for instance, make it seem that time is passing more quickly. If such transitions aren’t possible, provide cross-training programs to give every employee a chance to explore new roles in the organization. Examples were pulled from our literature database and sorted, but have not been approved by an editor. Facet Theory and the Mapping Sentence It is this interactive facet that attracts people to use the medium for communication. in a sentence. Wehypothesizethatthis happens because new facets arise over time. Facet quotes from YourDictionary: Poetry demands a different material than prose. Linklater said rehearsals centered on discovering new facets of the characters. Example sentences with Many Facets. "Building Web sites is a new facet of UNDP work". 2 Related Work Examples CK 1 1756836 That's a fact. A facet, aspect, or side of an object. Defaults to FALSE. bab.la is not responsible for their content. appearance to the eye or mind. is a sad sentence, not a happy one, because of negation. For example, "facet=baseRate,interval:100" produces buckets based on base rate ranges of size 100. Sentence XxXKiritoXxX. a soft spot in the skull where membranes cover the space between bones. he added. 2. the last part of the sentence such that it reads: “It is estimated that the prevalence of facet joint pain is 10-15% in the low back, 40-50% in the mid-back, and 45-55% in the neck. open_in_new Link to source ; warning Request revision the different facets of our culture Which facet of his character is most appealing? 2. Kodaka Hasegawa aspect, facet(noun) a distinct feature or element in a problem. "he studied every facet of the question". Synonyms: vista, facial expression, panorama, expression, look, face, prospect, view, scene, aspect. Now let's look at another facet of the problem. See more. Facet Joints Only starting on the first facet of his new fitness plan, he was already seeing results. Section5evaluates SBERT on SentEval. If base rates are all between $60 and $600, there will be buckets for 0-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-400, 400-500, and 500-600. dict_files/eng_com.dic This class can parse, analyze words and interprets sentences. ... Use these activities to learn more about this essential facet of ecosystems. Indexing And Abstracting in Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. How do you use the word sneaky in a sentence? He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life. See also ctype Character type facet (class template ) isblank (cctype) Check if character is blank (function ) isspace "Establishing audit policy is an important facet of security". When different cultures come to live side by side, they naturally and wonderfully begin to assimilate facets of each other. The Mapping Sentence [Page 70] Having identified the focus, the sense, and the range facets for a universe of observations, it is possible to map the various foci (subjects) by assigning to each an image , that is, an element from the range. Universal schema (USchema) assumes that two sentence patterns that share the same entity pairs are similar to each other. The concept is foreign to them. he studied every facet of the question Definition (noun) a smooth surface (as of a bone or cut gemstone) ... facet = plane smooth surface or having distinct feature or element of problem now he studied every facet of a question but karate karte wo facet surface pe face pe gir gaya 0 12 . 2 Related Work Also, in practice we may have a more complicated training scheme for the position scales so that different columns or rows can have different x and y scales. STUDY. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Facet. Basingstoke: Palgrave. This style provides first and second-level headings (that is, # and ##), demonstrated in the next section.You may get unexpected output if you try to use ### and smaller headings.. Filter. Meanings Synonyms Sentences I thought that was the best way to carry her. Defaults to converting labels to sentence case. ... any number sentence with an . Use ggplot2::waiver() to keep facet labels untransformed. A circle with a radius of one. In section6, we perform an ablation study to test some design aspect of SBERT. Example sentences with the word facets. Examples of facet in a sentence, how to use it. Funston and other Yahoo analysts also analyze other key facets of fantasy football such as coaching changes. It uses another facet of the same fact … the spontaneous conformation of language as it is heard. There are many facets to me. Almost all of the really long sentences are under 1,000 words. I can't imagine what he was thinking to hide a thing like that from you. Example: In a search for “Gross national products of European countries”. Headings. Meanings Synonyms Sentences You'll all have to walk. You are offline. unit circle. Another commercial row between two of the world's economic superpowers involves a facet of … ... B. A dictionary file. Even if we are familiar with facet theory, its integral instrument the mapping sentence is introduced to us anew in previously unexplored qualitative contexts. Dictionary. Multi-facet Universal Schema. The average length of sentences in scientific writing is only about 12-17 words. facet_nrow See more. noun. T2 setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask); Parameters. Defaults to FALSE. ∙ 2009-09-28 18:53:34. High quality example sentences with “facets of history” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Example sentence to test isspace Data races Both loc and its ctype facet are accessed. Thus the mapping sentence describes all the possible content values of a user position towards IS. SIX FACETS OF UNDERSTANDING Six Facets Description Example Explanation To ensure students understand why an answer or approach is the right one. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. For example, perceived … SIX FACETS OF UNDERSTANDING Six Facets Description Example Explanation To ensure students understand why an answer or approach is the right one. One great way to get writing is to follow a clemency letter example. See also ctype Character type facet (class template ) isspace (cctype) Check if character is a white-space (function ) fontanel. Your sentence, nonetheless, sounds strangely correct as well as definitely wrong. English One facet of this is that it would mean that we would have a much more rapid response and it would be a more effective European Union relationship with our NGOs. 3. Answer (1 of 2): Some writers call it flow. English Finnish Contextual examples of "facet" in Finnish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Research, Examples, and Discussion C. Explain how the point relates to your Thesis V. Point 3 A. Have sentence example. He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life. the facets of a diamond. The Bruins dominated every facet of the game except that one. Alternatively, a facet is a flat surface on a bone or tooth, either occurring naturally or caused by continued use. Examples of Facet in a sentence Formoterol and Corticosteroids Establishing Therapy ( FACET ) International Study Group. Now that you know the main parts of a topic sentence, take a look at how they look in different subjects. Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world. More example sentences. With center at : . Her music already has a cinematic quality about it, and it is a facet of her sound she'd love to explore further. With center at : . The second is job facet satisfaction, which refers to feelings regarding specific job aspects, such as salary, benefits, work hierarchy (reporting structure), growth opportunities, work environment and the quality of relationships with one's co-workers (e.g., "Overall, I love my job, but my schedule is difficult to manage.") In sec-tion7, we compare the computational efficiency of SBERT sentence embeddings in contrast to other state-of-the-art sentence embedding methods. Facet Theory and the Mapping Sentence: Evolving Philosophy, Use and Application. Example sentence to test isblank Data races Both loc and its ctype facet are accessed. In sec-tion7, we compare the computational efficiency of SBERT sentence embeddings in contrast to other state-of-the-art sentence embedding methods. ‘the most commonly known fact about hedgehogs is that they have fleas’. The string "facet=lastRenovationDate,interval:year" produces one bucket for each year when hotels were … facets, or combining previously distinct facets un-derasinglenewheading. Facets in a sentence | facets example sentences. There may be several facets in a search, but usually there are no more than three or four” (Harter 1986, 172, italics in original). Since the first edition, the major advance in facet theory has been the formalization of the use of the declarative mapping sentence and this is given a prominent position in the new edition. Section5evaluates SBERT on SentEval. have. As such, semantics and connotation are deeply entwined. ‘Cyberspace right now is made up of a series of windows on the real world, that allow us to see views, or facets, or aspects of people elsewhere.’. Example Sentences. Flashcards. Which facet of his character is most appealing? Use ggplot2::waiver() to keep facet labels untransformed. Meanwhile, connotation deals with the emotion evoked from a word. Learn more. the FACE(side) of a polygon Then, you'll want to write about each facet of your character, like their appearance, background, personality, relationships, and growth throughout the story, and explain how they prove your thesis. An essay can be written in 1 hour, just say the word. Defaults to converting labels to sentence case. Students explain or justify their responses or justify their course of action. The semantics of one facet is covered as long as one of the support groups is covered. that has many parts: 2. one of the small flat surfaces…. In the dish detergent example, because of the facets we have chosen, it would be easy to expand the classification to include other cleaning products. 180. An example of an independent clause is “the dog barked at him” While the independent clause could be used by itself as a complete sentence, the subordinate clause could not. 28. Kodaka Hasegawa (羽瀬川 小鷹, Hasegawa Kodaka) is the main protagonist of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. Example sentences with Facet. That is the single-most annoying facet of marathon baseball. (looks, seems, sounds) " I became more certain about my decision as time passed. An example of facet is the side of an emerald. If you need, we could do it even faster. aspect: [noun] a particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded. For example, it is plausible that for the gay marriage topic, the facet that Gay marriage is a civil rights issue came to the fore only in the last ten years. Example Sentence. Front. Defaults to converting labels to sentence case. More example sentences. It takes an English sentence and breaks it into words to determine if it is a phrase or a clause. 2. Write direct and short sentences. He shouldn't try to control every facet of her life. 2. facet definition: 1. one part of a subject, situation, etc. Each facet (reference sentence) is mapped to a list of support groups, where each group consists of one or multiple support sentences. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License . Will you have some tea? An essay can be written in 1 hour, just say the word. For it to be correct, it would need to be paired with another clause: “When the man broke into the house, the dog barked at him.” Thesaurus. 190. volume_up more_vert. For example, shirt size has high coverage if the results are all shirts, but has lower coverage if the results also include pants and shoes. The six longest sentences (1,000+ words) are mostly a curiosity, just to see what is possible. "Each facet of the geometry is mapped individually". What facet of the diamond is that? Return Value. 20 sample sentences for FACET. 03/29/2021 ∙ by Rohan Paul, et al. mask The flags to set. Students explain or justify their responses or justify their course of action. He was notorious for being a delinquent and bullying many of his peers. facet of life. Transition smoothly from one point to the next. The definition of Facet is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. (angelic, beautiful, cute, lovely, perfect, pretty, sweet) " She described him as having a plain face. " Examples of facet in a sentence: 1. Michael thinks of the many facets of love. He is the second member and co-founder of the Neighbors' club. Linklater said rehearsals centered on discovering new facets of the characters. Hackett makes a case for facet theory’s ability to describe the complexity of the world and the categorial implications of such investigations. “Beyond a reasonable doubt” means that you must explore every facet of the case. Examples of Facet in a sentence. For example, the left-sided contact between the 4 th and 5 th lumbar vertebrae is terms the Left L4/5 facet joint. Defaults to NULL, which converts to sentence case with spaces. This article uses examples to illustrate simple syntax usage in a Search Documents (REST API) request. 2. : a small, flat surface on a jewel. London: Facet Publishing. Lesbian separatism is a facet of misandry and an extreme position taken in the "war of the sexes." This is an important facet of an ACP country strategy to improve its competitiveness. The question merely confronts us with two other facets of itself. Even when a student is a great essay writer, they might still not have enough time to complete How To End A Persuasive Essay Last Sentence all the writing assignments on time or do this well enough, especially when the exams are near.. And to those How To End A Persuasive … I hope students of writing can study these sentences to […] For example, if employees stay with your company for five years and two months on average, promotions should be scheduled at least at two-year intervals. 147. But we’re all different facets of the. Now that you know the main parts of a topic sentence, take a look at how they look in different subjects. ‘a body of fact’. It’s a fact that you can influence the impressions of readers by using some basic techniques. ically, we treat each reference sentence as a facet, identify document sentences that express the se-mantics of each facet as support sentences of the facet, and measure information coverage by Facet-Aware Recall (FAR), i.e., how many facets are cov-ered. If you need, we could do it even faster. Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world. 2. Facets should have high coverage among the results. You can read about a tone should shift, but because of subtle differences between accents, it is important to hear it for yourself. Here are 65 examples of long sentences ranging from the relatively brief 96 words to one of the longest sentences at 2,156 words. The architect wanted to ensure that every facet of the building was perfect. Examples of facet in a Sentence Each facet of the problem requires careful attention. Now let's look at another facet of the problem. Example of a Qualitative Mapping Sentence. facet (example) facet of a thoracic vertebra. Include only one piece of information per sentence. Facet theory is a metatheory for the multivariate behavioral sciences that posits that scientific theories and measurements can be advanced by discovering relationships between conceptual classifications of research variables and empirical partitions of data-representation spaces. How to use facets in a sentence. As a 100% legit Facet Theory And The Mapping Sentence: Evolving Philosophy, Use And Application|P paper writing website we guarantee to fulfill your task from scratch within the next 24 hours.

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facet example sentence