jesus' blood chromosome

Its possible that its a fabrication. People usually have 44 somatic (22 from the father + 22 from the mother) and the pair of sexual chromosomes. If you believe in the Bible, Jesus would have had less wealth than the average person if he lived today. Ron Wyatt has only shared his findings with a small group of close friends. In 1999, the bishop of Buenos Aries sent the host to the United States for testing. Is this time now? (Mitochondrial DNA, similarly, is the easiest to track in women, as it is passed on through daughters.) and the one who was the ancestor of Jesus Christ (Mat. That is the subject of an article by Andrew Lincoln titled How babies were created in Jesus Time that appeared in the November-December 2014 issue of my favorite magazine, The New Yorker. In 2010, Kasimir Popkonstantinov discovered what he believes are the bones of one of the most famous of all saints: John the Baptist. He concluded they found Jesus blood .when they tested this blood the results were that Jesus blood is still alive today, and it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit which proves the virgin birth. Yosef Gat Directed Talpiot Tomb excavations for the Israeli Department of Antiquities Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in 'blood' sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. Jesus' bloodline includes King Solomon and King David. Yahshua's blood was tested when the late Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark of the Covenant. Other tests from hosts around the world show up as the blood type AB. April 22, 2017. The blood of Jesus has the ability to set you free from your prison of sin. Ron expresses himself as follows: What I was informed by the individuals I worked withand if you have a photographic memory, youll remember their namesAmos Kloner, Joseph Gat, Dan Bahat, and General Droriwas that the U.S. Here, the potential and limitations of modern molecular biology techniques . If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Of these, 23 chromosomes are present in the mothers genes and 23 chromosomes are found in the genes of the father. Blood On The Shroud Of Turin Can Help To Determine Jesus' DNA Researchers in Italy have examined the Shroud of Turin and discovered traces of blood that belonged to the torture victim. Also, I saw a recent you tube channel which also concluded Jesus blood is still alive. Wouldnt this imply that Jesus was not descended from Adam but rather from his mother Eve? Except in exceptionally unusual circumstances, DNA in blood destroys within a few days, none of which would apply to the blood of Jesus, which was shed for us on the cross. Soon the Abomination of Desolation will be revealed when Satan steps into the Holy Temple of God - (occupies the resurrected/cloned body of Jesus) and declares himself to be God. So, theoretically, the Holy Spirit had to have inseminated a virginal Mary with the "Y" chromosome of the non-human God of Abraham. The literal blood of Jesus: A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv, Israel did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus biological father was non-human. Whats more, if parthenogenesis had been possible in Mary, the progeny would have been female rather than male, because the procedure would have created two X chromosomes, which are only found in females. Additionally, the meaning of the red and white light in the Divine Mercy artwork is explained below. The director-general is Shuka Dorfmann, and the Rockefeller Museum serves as the headquarters for the organization. Parthenogenesis is infrequently observed only in other species of vertebrates, which may explain why imprinting appears to be restricted to mammals among vertebrates. This may indeed be the worlds biggest open secret; spreading quietly but surely, this scientific discovery of evidence of the historical Jesus divinity may not have made international front page news like it should have, but the story has been reported to millions by Christian news networks and alternative media for almost thirty-eight years. An investigation by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other universities found that expanding noninvasive prenatal screening to include all 24 human chromosomes can discover genetic diseases that may explain miscarriage and anomalies during pregnancy. This box, known as a reliquary, would have housed. Despite the fact that goats and sheep seem similar and sometimes be seen mating, they are members of separate genera in the subfamily Caprinae of the family Bovidae. A few modern cases can be dismissed as fungus or mold, but then there are cases of bloody hosts that date back 1,200 years and remain preserved. If not why not? Consequently, semen is derived from the Latin word seed, which means seed, and stuff for life, which is derived from the Latin word matter. The male seed, on the other hand, was elevated to a higher pedestal in patriarchal societies throughout history, particularly in the Middle East and later Europe, to the point where it was considered to be the life force, with the female seeds fluids in her womb serving as the gross matter necessary to sustain that life force. Indeed, there are some Ethiopian Jews who inherit the Aaronic gene marker, which was passed down by priests who journeyed back and forth between Africa and Israel. Keywords: Jesus, Host, blood type, miracle. Anything else wouldn't make sense when one considers that he was . He is Antichrist, the cloned image of Jesus Christ! * Chromosomes, Somatids, and the Blood of Christ. What aspects of Jesus DNA do you believe distinguish it from the DNA of any other human being? This video is audio of a press conference with archaeologist Ron Wyatt. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Whats more, my fathers and grandfathers Y chromosomes are nearly identical (they differ only slightly from one another from generation to generation), which means that whoever my distant grandfather was in the village of Lindley 400 or so years ago, my Y chromosome is almost exactly the same as his and that of all of his other male descendants (and there must be hundreds or thousands of us). LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) -- If the bread and wine offerings become the body and blood of Jesus Christ at Mass, then what was Jesus' blood type? It was discovered that Jesus biological mother was a normal human female, and that His father was not a human male (Jesus DNA is apparently twice as sophisticated as that of a normal human being) after a genetic analysis of a blood sample widely believed to belong to Jesus was performed at a private facility in Tel Aviv. The Israelis, too, concluded that Jesus had 23 chromosomes from his mother but only 1 chromosome from his father, making his blood unique among human beings. Three days after Jesus died, the Lord God of Israel resurrected and glorified him (made Him immortal through the power of the Holy Spirit). No one is covering anything up. Chromosome 9 is made up of about 141 million DNA building blocks (base pairs) and represents approximately 4.5 percent of the total DNA in cells. The Eucharistic miracle from Buenos Aries was sent to the USA for testing. Did these appear within her, beamed down into her like a Star Trek teleportation device as medieval painter Philippe de Champaigne in fact suggests in his masterwork The Annunciation or did they appear outside her, beamed down into her like a Star Trek teleportation device? Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain 23 chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one (Y) chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 from the fathera total of 46! The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. If you get an X from your mother and an X from your father, you are classified as female. Jesus, who was both completely man and fully God, would have possessed a complete set of human DNA in addition to his divine genes. While this scientific discovery of evidence of the historical Jesus divinity has not made international front page news as it should have, it has been reported to millions of people by Christian news networks and alternative media for nearly thirty-eight years, making it the worlds largest open secret. Please consider subscribing. Is this true? . But what about Jesus' Y chromosome? ARTICLES NEWS INFORMATION STUDIES OF THE LORD JESUS DIVINITY, August 6 The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, JESUS NEVER SINNED AND JESUS'S SINLESSNESS: ARTICLES, MARY MAGDALENE AND MARY OF BETHANY AND THE SINFUL WOMAN AND THE ADULTERER WOMAN ARE DIFFERENT WOMEN, Seven Ways Christ Is the Good Shepherd by Colin Smith, THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD JESUS AND THE PENTECOST SUNDAY, The Birth of Jesus Is Only The Beginning by Kyle Golden, THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 14 SEPTEMBER, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW: CHAPTERS 3 AND 4 BAPTISM TEMPTATION AND BEGINNING OF MISSION, THE JUDAS'S BETRAYAL-LORDS THE LUST SUPPER-THE PRAYER IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE AND THE ARREST OF THE LORD JESUS- ST.LUKE CHAPTER 22, THE LEGAL TRIAL- CONDEMNATION- CRUCIFIXION OF THE LORD JESUS-ST.LUKE CHAPTER 23, THE MESSIAH ALREADY APPOINTED FOR YOU JESUS WHOM HEAVEN MUST RECEIVE UNTIL THE TIMES OF UNIVERSAL RESTORATION, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) - Solemnity, THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: ACTS CHAPTER 1, THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: ST. LUKE CHAPTER 24, THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD JESUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. And here's the result: Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. The technicians from the laboratory in Tel Aviv approached Ron Wyatt and inquired as to where he had gotten the blood from. June 23, 2016. After successfully conducting a genetic analysis on the ancient blood sample widely believed to have belonged to the historical Jesus of Nazareth (discovered beneath Golgotha by the Ron Watt excavation team in 1981), a group of Tel Aviv-based research scientists came to the conclusion that Jesus biological father was a non-human. Ron Wyatt had kept the location and method of obtaining the sample a secret from the rest of the crew. Jesus, being fully man, must have had a Y-chromosome, but since he was born of the Virgin Mary, where did it come from? But why did Jesus suffer and die?. Mary possessed solely the X chromosomes. Three days after Jesus death, the Lord God of Israel raised him from the dead and exalted him (made Him immortal through the power of the Holy Spirit). These men have asked me not to show my permit because the authorizing signature on the permit are their names. How many chromosomes did Jesus have? Genetic information is passed down through both parents. And it is very real. 1:35 (Luke 1:35) The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, the angel said. Blood of Jesus Tested in Laboratory the Results will Blow your Mind. Plant cuttings are little pieces of a plant that are taken from a larger plant that are planted and grow into a new plant that is a clone of the plant from which the cutting was originally cut. Even the Bible makes mention of Jesus's blood relatives. There was a . He asked him how he could write such obviously false claims. There is an "X" chromosome in the blood, but no "Y" chromosome; proving that the person whose blood it is, had a mother, but no father. In this clip of an interview from the documentary film Revealing God's Treasure (1998), Ron Wyatt exposes false claims by the Israeli Department of Antiquities, and why they know that both the blood of Jesusand the Ark of the Covenanthave been found, and reasons why the Israeli authorities do not want Israelor the worldto ever find out about this discovery, which is scientific proof of both the existence of the historical Jesus and His divinity. The bedrock at the foot of the cross split open, and His blood dripped through a fissure in the rock. Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human'. In this section, youll find some background information about the organization that has been implicated in a plot to conceal both Jesus death and the findings of DNA testing performed on His blood, as well as the corrupt conspirators who work for it. According to Ron Wyatts lectures, the blood that he discovered and tested contained just 24 chromosomes, indicating that it was a single cell. God granted unique graces to a amateur godly Doctors and scientists around the world are simply lying about their findings because they like the Catholic Church enough to take the risk. VIDEO: . 2:3-4 . Cells make up the structure of the human body. ISRAEL: Video report on the DNA analysis of Jesus that changed the world forever. If Jesus blood is necessary for forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22), then how is Johns baptism for the forgiveness of sins? So the Holy Spirit had to have inseminated a virginal Mary with the \"Y\" chromosome of the one true almighty G-d of Abraham. The presence of an unusually large number of chromosomes in the body is the root cause of Down syndrome. He inquired as to how he was able to write such blatantly untrue statements. Nevertheless, in contrast to current biology, the ancients did not perceive this as the male sperm combining with the female egg to form a unity comprising the essences of both parents, as is the case in modern biology. I was interested in what DNA analysis could tell us about . The mitochondrial DNA (DNA passed down from mother to child) of people found in the dust of the shroud was recognized by the team of researchers. Using the ancient blood sample widely believed to have belonged to the historical Jesus of Nazareth (discovered beneath Golgotha by the Ron Watt excavation team in 1981), a team of research scientists in Tel Aviv have done a successful genetic analysis, concluding that Jesus biological father was non-human. In order to maintain Gods righteousness and justice, sin must be punished. Nothing but the blood The nature of Jesus' crucifixion as declared in the Bible is one filled immense with torture, humiliation, and pain. Humans normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell, divided into 23 pairs. Where did Jesus acquire his Y chromosome? is a question that plagues many peoples minds. All of these individuals are believed to be distant descendants of the Mongolian Emperor, Genghis Kahn. See above on your argument from ignorance! And for the record, there were no preservatives of any kind in the blood. Related Articles. The findings came back as human cardiac tissue, type AB. Butterfly, in my opinion, does not have chromosomes. When he entered the cave he blacked out for quite a while and when he gained consciousness he saw the Ark of the Covena. Most people donate because Catholic Online is useful. Having 24 distinct chromosomes or 22 autosomes (mother's are duplicated) in addition to 2 (XY) chromosomes, the 22 autosomes of the mother are equal to the corresponding 22 autosomes of the father (one to one) and the X chromosome of the mother (XX) plus the "Y" sex chromosome given by father being (XY). The director-general is Shuka Dorfmann and its offices are housed in the Rockefeller Museum. Understand also: How Old Was Jesus When The Wise Men Came? The globe was taken aback by the studys findings. The Israelis, too, concluded that Jesus had 23 chromosomes from his mother but only 1 chromosome from his father, making his blood unique among human beings. The tomb may be found in Jerusalem, near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Without the whole set of 23 chromosomes, which is the exact essence of a man, he couldnt have been human, but rather a monster like Superman from Krypton or a Naavi from Pandora, which are both mythical creatures. Why is this claim not reliable? Laminin is a protein that is part of the extracellular matrix in humans and animals. Jesus is a lineal descendant of a royal bloodline. The Bible informs us that Jesus Christ was born to his mother Mary as a virgin 2,000 years ago, and that he was the son of God. He is a charlatan and a self-serving self-promoter, and Christians would do well to not use any of his material. No fungus does that. 2 Thes. As a result, only Jesus maleness was determined by His (Heavenly) Fathers (Y) male chromosome, whilst His bodily features were completely decided by His Mother. (I assume an upper bound to the rate of virgin birth is 1/300. A scientific examination of this blood revealed that it had only 24 chromosomes! Jesus did not have a human father! When scientist Richard Rives tested the dried, two-thousand-year-old "dead" blood, he was able to analyze its chromosomeswhich is only possible with living blood. This certainly applies to this totally bogus claim about finding actual blood of Jesus! Hybrids are extremely unusual, despite the fact that sheep and goats share a large number of pastures, demonstrating that the species has a genetic gap. Which is the true religion: Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism, and why? Thus, the (Heavenly) Father's (Y) male chromosome was expressed as Jesus.The DNA Jesus is 96% from Mary rather than 50% from Mary as would be normal. Answer (1 of 18): Yes. "The blood is human blood, of group AB, male, and was found to be identical in the two samples tested, the blood from the tears from the Icon of the Virgin and the blood that appeared of the Face of Jesus are the same," the team reported, adding that "the configuration of the genetic features found in the Y chromosome does not correspond to any of the configurations present in the world wide . Here are four of the most incredible Eucharistic miracles that have been examined by top scientists around the world, who ultimately concluded that science could not explain the miraculous . In lieu of the archaeological, scientific, and circumstantial evidence, it is clear that Jesus Christ (Yahushua Ha'Mashiach) is the genetic offspring of the God of Abraham. A DNA analysis proved the miraculous nature of the blood. Due to the fact that the Holy Spirit does not have chromosomes, the egg that Mary generated was most likely diploid and included a functioning SRY (Sex Determining Region Y) sequence that was inherited from Mary. Daily Readings for Saturday, March 04, 2023, St. Casimir: Saint of the Day for Saturday, March 04, 2023, Lenten Prayer: Prayer of the Day for Monday, February 27, 2023. Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. Yet, Christ's words were unmistakable. All plants and animals have chromosomes, which are filamentous structures present in their cells, which are responsible for determining and transmitting their genetic characteristics. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. A new study says the bloodstains on the supposed burial cloth of Jesus depicted a blood pattern from a person who is in a standing position. Sequencing of the entire human genome was completed in 2003, and showed that human DNA contains only 20,000-30,000 genes, a . To all our readers, Please don't scroll past this. Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ, Science has revealed the identity of Jesus biological father. What do you say sir? In addition to Jesus's mother, the Virgin Mary, there was Mary's cousin . God said that Jesus is His son, and, according to scientists, so does Jesus' DNA. That this is not a hypothesis, but rather a reality, was found only in 1888 and evolved into a rigorous science that, for the first time in the 10,000 years of civilized existence of mankind, explains in painful detail how living forms came to be. As we approach the holiday season, when a large portion of the worlds Christian population commemorates the birth of its central figure Jesus Christ, who is claimed to have been both man and God, and to have been born of a virgin, it should be interesting to consider the question: Who provided the other half? If you didnt learn it in school, chromosomes are the very, very fundamental building blocks of life. See All Plans. As a result, the mother contributes 23 chromosomes and the father contributes 23 chromosomes. Otherwise, you are considered to be an XY and consequently a woman.

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jesus' blood chromosome

jesus' blood chromosome